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Screw The Commute Podcast

Dec 24, 2018

In today’s episode, I’m going to tell you the kind of money you can make by referring me and my services, and the same techniques can be used to refer others. Not only will I be telling you about the commissions I pay, later I’ll also tell you some of the methods you can use, some don’t even require a website, to refer me and others and get big commissions.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 067

Join our Private Facebook Group! One week trial for only a buck and then $37 a month, or save a ton with one payment of $297 for a year. Click the image to see all the details and sign up or go to

After you sign up, check your email for instructions on getting in the group.

Internet Marketing Training Center -

Higher Education Webinar –

02:22 Tom's introduction to How to Refer

04:39 Kinds of money you can make referring Tom

05:37 Digital products

09:35 Protection dogs

13:26 Tom's school

18:31 Speaking engagements

22:14 Promoting affiliate products and services

26:53 Signing up for an affiliate program

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page:

Screw The Commute -

Affiliate Handouts -

Copywriting901 -

Brutal Self Defense -

Wake 'em Up Video Professional Speaking System -

Mentor Program -

Protection Dogs Elite -

Higher Education Webinar -

Internet Marketing Training Center -

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More Entrepreneurial Resources for Home Based Business, Lifestyle Business, Passive Income, Professional Speaking and Online Business

I discovered a great new headline / subject line / subheading generator that will actually analyze which headlines and subject lines are best for your market. I negotiated a deal with the developer of this revolutionary and inexpensive software. Oh, and it's good on Mac and PC. Go here:

The Wordpress Ecourse. Learn how to Make World Class Websites for $20 or less.

Join our Private Facebook Group! One week trial for only a buck and then $37 a month, or save a ton with one payment of $297 for a year. Click the image to see all the details and sign up or go to

After you sign up, check your email for instructions on getting in the group.