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Screw The Commute Podcast

Dec 31, 2018

Ebooks or Electronic books. I’ve been selling them since around 2001 and I’ve made a literal fortune doing so. Ebooks are 97% profit. What other legal product has that much profit? I half-jokingly say you have to be a moron to not be able to make money with a product that has 97% profit. Today, I’ll be talking about both PDF Ebooks and Amazon Kindle Ebooks.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 070

Internet Marketing Training Center -

Higher Education Webinar –

01:57 Tom's introduction to Ebooks

02:49 PDF and Kindle Ebooks

04:22 You CAN write a book

06:42 Tips for writing

12:18 Writing a quality Ebook

16:28 Formatting a PDF Ebook

18:50 Several BIG mistakes people make

20:54 What can you do with PDF Ebooks

24:06 Sponsor message

26:01 PDF Ebooks can lead to other things

32:46 How to deliver your PDF Ebooks

36:14 Amazon Kindle

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page:

Screw The Commute -

KickStart Cart -

Transcription service video -

Upwork -

Fiverr -

We Transfer -

Great Internet Marketing Training -

Internet Marketing Training Center -

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