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Screw The Commute Podcast

Mar 31, 2023

I'm here with Sally Gimon and she's been an English teacher in Poland and a business analyst for a tire company. She sells insurance, too. And I got a way to sell a lot of life insurance. I'll tell her. See what she thinks about it. But her claim to fame is real estate investing and the trust that saves you lots...

Mar 29, 2023

I'm here with Emanuel Rose and he's going to talk about marketing to Gen Z. And another thing that he's doing, that I've been preaching for a hundred years, is he's making his hobbies tax deductible. He's going to talk about steelhead flies and fly fishing and he's doing a lot of cool stuff with young people. And then...

Mar 27, 2023

Today, I'm going to talk about my secret question idea and how it can help you and how it helps me. And I'm going to tell you a little bit about what I've been going through lately and how questions help me save the day.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 726

How To Automate Your Business -

Mar 24, 2023

Tom is taking a week off to care for his ailing German Shepherd. This week we will be doing a "Best of" series featuring highly rated previous episodes. Today's episode is Ad Tracking and Split Testing. *** Jason Feifer is here with us and let me tell you first why I don't like him. The guy is such a great storyteller,...

Mar 22, 2023

Tom is taking a week off to care for his ailing German Shepherd. This week we will be doing a "Best of" series featuring highly rated previous episodes. Today's episode is Ad Tracking and Split Testing. *** Screen capture video is something that I’m pretty sure you’ll want to embrace after you see all the cool stuff...