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Screw The Commute Podcast

Dec 21, 2018

Ken Keis is a PhD and he's the foremost global authority on behavioral assessment strategies and processes. He's an expert in leadership purpose and wellness. He's authored over four million words of content, that includes 500 articles for books and a dozen assessments. Ken's purpose is to help others to live, lead and work on purpose.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 066

Internet Marketing Training Center -

Higher Education Webinar –

02:08 Tom's introduction to Ken Keis

03:32 What Ken did and does

16:24 Success indicator assessment

21:35 Being evicted is not funny but sure bizarre

24:02 Working for yourself can be both sides of the same coin

28:15 Sponsor message

29:16 A typical day for Ken and staying motivated

35:06 Parting thoughts for us Screwballs and a freebie

Entrepreneurial Resources Mentioned in This Podcast

Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page:

Screw The Commute -

Ken's website -

Ken's freebie -

CRG website -

Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator page -

Secrets of Success with Ken Keis podcast -

Internet Marketing Training Center -

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