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Screw The Commute Podcast

Aug 30, 2023

Today, we're going to talk about saving money. Yes, I am all into making money, but if you make the money and save the money, it puts you way further ahead faster. Instead of blowing all the money that you make on worthless full retail things when you don't have to.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 793


Aug 28, 2023

Today is going to be a warning shot across the bow of artificial intelligence. It's going to be about artificial intelligence bias with my right hand, left hand man. I don't know what I can call him. Larry, the guy that you all know and love from doing the back end on all these podcasts. So he's front and center now...

Aug 25, 2023

This has to be the furthest I've ever departed from straight entrepreneur stuff, right? Even though it probably will have some entrepreneurial lessons in it this episode. But I'm going to do a reaction podcast to the historic and I mean historic song Rich Men, North of Richmond.

Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes...

Aug 23, 2023

Now this is part of a series I'm doing on presentations and speeches based on my classic book. Classic, because it's been around a long time. Wake 'em Up Business presentations. And I still use the same techniques today. So today I'm going to talk about using caricature and cartoons and how to use these...

Aug 21, 2023

We begin such good feedback on these presentation tips that can help build your business or if you want to be a pro speaker, or if you just forced at your job to be a presenter. Hey, this can lead to raises and career changes and promotions, but I like to use it to promote your business because, this is Screw the...