Dec 28, 2018
Jo Hausman is an inspirational speaker and coach. She's an international live radio talk show host and a bestselling author. She speaks and coaches others to move to greatness in their life. Jo wrote and published a book called Go For IT - A Woman's Guide to Perseverance. The passion she has comes from empowering others to live in a positive life. She has appeared on numerous television radio blogs and podcasts around the world.
Screw The Commute Podcast Show Notes Episode 069
Internet Marketing Training Center -
Higher Education Webinar –
02:27 Tom's introduction to Jo Hausman
03:37 Jo's story from DJ to radio host and speaker
07:10 Other jobs including Virtual Assistant
10:16 Tips to get out of the dreaded JOB
13:28 Screwed over in business and firing your client
15:04 Bizarre travel with a client
17:00 The best and worst of working for yourself
21:55 Sponsor message
23:36 A typical day for Jo and staying motivated
32:13 Parting thoughts for us Screwballs
Higher Education Webinar – It's the second webinar on the page:
Screw The Commute -
Scam Brigade -
Jo's website -
Jo on Facebook -
GO FOR IT! book -
Life coaching interview with Jo and Patricia Drain (she was on Episode 44) -
Brutal Self Defense -
Internet Marketing Training Center -
Patricia Drain -
Bryan Caplovitz -
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